Play it here :
Description from Ludum Dare Page.
Energy Boy is a simple platformer.
Story Aliens invaded the earth and all peoples are Fall asleep. All ? No – Energy Boy is still awake but you need to help him to stay awake.
Gameplay White the time is running you loosing energy (like in real life). Collect energy drinks gives you more time.
Controls are W S A D (or arrows) and Space.
What is missing Well I planned enemies but the time was running out. Will come to a Post LD39 Version.
EDIT: enemies where done – i just forgot to update this here 🙂 Music is missing too.
Tools that i user
- Unity 2017.1
- Asperite
- Bfxr
All Assets where created by me (so i didnt used other assets). I just exported a Web Build (but PC wasnt possible currently as a Bug in 2017 with the Player Exporter for PC). EDIT: Windows Build is now there and i added a Linux Build (but it is not tested yet if it runs).