This is my first week in this self defined contest. For my first game i started making something simple but beatiful.
It is a 2d Space Shooter (Woohoo).
Art was made using Aseprite, Music with Beebpox and Bfxr for Sound Effects.
Also i used DOTween, PostProcessing Stack V2 and some Scanline Effects Shader.
What went good:
I had no big issues at all. All works as good as i had an idea how i can build this. I was really excited how good this Bloom Effect looks in Combination with the Scanlines.
What went wrong:
Not so much as usual – but i in my first planing i wanted more enemies and a final boss. Well i ended it up like this with an infinite shooter. If you know that you just publish and don’t care anymore it is harder to motivate to make it good
What i learned:
Space Shooter are simple games but they are really boring to make. However i loved the Combination for Bloom and Scanline Effects which i will use in other games as well.
You can Play the Game here: