WEEK7 – ShuffleUp Cafe

After Ludum Dare 45 i wanted to play around with my new Oculus Quest. Due some issue with the Cabel and the Setup with a PC i didn’t got it working until friday night. I wanted to build a small VR Game but then i realize that this would take more time as i expected. To finish a game this week i started on saturday a concept where i thought the week about.

In some cases it is similiar to pong but the initial idea came from an amiga game called “Shufflepuck Cafe” which i really enjoyed

So i decided to make a simple “TopDown” version of that game.

What went good:

As i started really late to make this idea, it works out good. I needed around 3 or 4 hours to finish the game.

What went wrong:
In the end the core gameplay mechanic has a bug (it doesn’t count right the points). I was unable to solve this properly until the deadline. This is really bad.

What i learned:
Even the simple game can have major bugs. I learned some small things about Ball Physics.

You can Play the Game here: https://www.nerdvision.net/GAW/Week7/

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