Like the last week i felt again a little bit burned out. But i wanted to make something. I had the same idea like the previosly week about the WhoRU 3D Chat thing. But i discarded it and then i thought about a broforce clone but had not a good idea for it. Then i came up with a Bowling VR Game. I thought it could be simple and i could learn again some 3d Modeling.
What went good:
I had some motivation and i felt that making a 3D Game could be good.
And i had some fun creating a new Quest Game.
What went bad:
A lot of stuff – i thought i didn’t overscoped and thought “hey this will be easy – just throwing some objects” but then i realised that implementing real bowling physics is harder as i thought. So thats why there are feeling crappy. Also the level model scale is too big.
What i learned:
I learned much of 3D Modeling – some more basics at all. But things that are necessary. Also i learned it is not so easy to implement real Bowling Physics.
You can Play the Game here: https://www.nerdvision.net/GAW/Week11/ BowlingStars.apk
Music by Matthew Pablo